

What are the larger numbers than googolplexian?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are the larger numbers than googolplexian?
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Is there a defined number larger than googolplexian?

Yes. Graham's number.

What is after googolplexian?

graham numbers

How many numbers are in a googolplexian?

One googol = 10100 One googolplex = 10googol One googolplexian = 10googolplex so 1 googolplexian has 10,000 0's after it

What number is bigger than a googolplexian?

a googolplexian + 1

What number is bigger than a googolplex?

The larger exponential is represented by "googolplexplex" (etc.) or "googolplexian".There are vastly larger numbers, such as "Skewes' number", "Moser's number" and "Graham's number" which can only be represented by large power towers of exponential exponents.(see related question)

What are the numbers after hundred googolplexian?

Hundred googolplexian and one! There is no end to the list of integers; we don't have names for very large numbers - practically, there are very approximately 1040 atoms in the universe - less than half a google - so there isn't much call for very large numbers outside of mathematics.

What numbers are bigger than trillion?

Quadrillion,Quintillion,sextillion,sentillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, and infinity!

What is the largest number besides infinity and googolplexian?

There are a bunch of them between googolplexian and infinity. Here are the first few: googolplexian + 1 googolplexian + 2 googolplexian + 3 googolplexian + 4 googolplexian + 5 googolplexian + 6 . . googolplexian + 3 million . . etc. There are an infinite number of those.

How many zeros does googolplexian have?

Googolplexian has googolplexian zeros :)

Is the largest know number a Googolplexian?

No. You can always add one to a number, to get a larger number.

What is the biggestest number?

A Googolplexian is the largest number with a name but otherwise numbers are infinite.

What comes after googolplexian?

googolplexian and one. or perhaps googolplexian + Limx→∞ 1/x