You an calculate the area of a rectangle by multiplying length x width.
Area is 8x+16.
A square cannot measure 90 by 40; this would be a rectangle. Anyway, the area of this rectangle is 90 x 40 = 3,600 square units.
you need length and width length multiply width = area length + length + width + width = perimeter
A rectangle has only one area - there no smaller or bigger area.
The area of a rectangle is simply length x width. If the measurements are in centimeters, then the area will come out in square centimeters.
Do you mean area or volume - you've included THREE measurements !
90 ft2. An area of a rectangle is h * w.
A rectangle can have only 2 dimensions and so finding the area from the given 4 dimensions has many possibilities.
Firstly, if all the angles are not 90 degrees it isn't a rectangle - with 4 sides it is a quadrilateral. So there is no "if". Area of a rectangle = length of 1 side multiplied by the length of an adjacent (touching) side.
1944 in. Length x Width = Area
Depends on the shape of the area. For a rectangle the answer is the width * the height, assuming both measurements are in inches.