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Q: What are the most appropriate measures of center and spread for this data set?
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What type of measures are the range and the standard deviation?

They are measures of the spread of data.

Which measures of central tendency become larger as the data is more dispersed?

None. Measures of central tendency are not significantly affected by the spread or dispersion of data.

Why measures of dispersion are important along with measures of central tendency to understand the nature of the data?

Central tendency will only give you information on the location of the data. You also need dispersion to define the spread of the data. In addition, shape should also be part of the defining criteria of data. So, you need: location, spread & shape as best measures to define data.

What statement about the data is true 724 727 996 712 725 704 730 710 Both the median and mode are appropriate measures of center. The median is the only appropriate measure of center. The mean media?

There is no mode so it is not a measure of anything! Te data set contains an outlier: 996 and so the median is a better measure of the centre than the mean.

Which is an appropriate display to show the measures of variation for a data set?

There are a number of appropriate displays to show the measures of variation for a data set. Different graphs can be used for this purpose which may include histograms, stemplots, dotplots and boxplots among others.

Why is it helpful to find the mean of a data set?

It is one of the key measures of a data set: it shows the value around which the observations are spread out.

Why we calculate the variance and standard deviation?

They are measures of the spread of the data and constitute one of the key descriptive statistics.

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Which type of graph is best for revealing measures of spread and central tendency of a data set?

box-and-whisker plot

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What is mean data?

Mean data are observations whose values are equal to the mean of the data set. By default it is the arithmetic mean but it could be the geometric or harmonic mean - if those measures are more appropriate.

What is the difference between range and spread in mathematics?

In Statistics, the measure of spread tells us how much adata sample is spread out or scattered. We can use the range and the interquartile range (IQR) to measure the spread of a sample. Measures of spread together with measures of location (or central tendency) are important for identifying key features of a sample to better understand the population from which the sample comes from. The range is the difference between a high number and the low number in the samples presented. It represents how spread out or scattered a set of data. It is also known as measures of dispersion or measures of spread.