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x = 4 and y = 7 which will satisfy both equations

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Q: What are the order pairs to equation x minus 2x equals negative 4 and equation 2x minus y equals 1?
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What order pairs to equation x minus 2x equals negative 4 and equation 2x minus y equals 1?

x = 4 and y = 7

What is the answer to 4a minus 4 equals?

You would need to know what a is equal to in order to calculate this equation.

What order pair is a solution for y equals 2x minus 1?

Choose any value for "x", replace that in the equation, and calculate the corresponding value for "y".

The order pair for x plus y equals 15 and 4x plus 3y equals 38?

The solution pair is (-7, 22), demonstrated as follows: (1) x + y = 15 : given; (2)4x + 3y = 38 : given; (3)3x + 3y = 45 : equation (1), multiplied by 3; (4) x = -7 : equation (2), minus equation (3); (5) y = 22 : equation (1), minus equation (4).

What is negative two minus negative 3?

1. simple keep change change, changing it from -2--3 to -2+3=1 or to switch that order to make it even easier on yourself you can make it 3-2=1 but be careful with your signs when switching the order of numbers in the equation. the answer is 1.

Where would you put parentheses around the following equation using the order of operations to make it true 6 minus 3 times 7 plus 4 equals 33?

It is: (6-3)*(7+4) = 33

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This equation is unsolvable since there are two unknowns and only one equation. You would require a second equation in order to solve it.

If you add a negative and a negative it equals?

Adding a negative number to a negative number makes a larger negative. In order to solve this you add the numbers together as a positive then add a negative sign.

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13 + 7 - (6 + 4) * 2 = 0

What should be done to both sides of the equation in order to solve equals -12.4?

Multiply by 4

What is the output Y when A equals 1 and B equals 0?

In order to answer that, we need an "equation" that shows us the relationship among 'Y', 'A', and 'B'.

What is the order pair for the matrice equation 7x-4y equals 13 and 2x-5y equals -4?

It works out that: x = 3 and y = 2