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the image that is reflected is counterclockwise to the original

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Q: What are the properties of reflections and rotations and translations?
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What transformation always produce a congruent figure?

Reflections, translations, rotations.

What do dilations have in common with translations reflections and rotations?

They are all types of transformations.

Is a rotation an isometric?

Rotations, reflections, and translations are all isometries while a dilation isn't because it doesn't preserve distance

How do translations reflections and rotations affect the size and shape of an image?

None of these transformations affect the size nor shape of the image.

Why reflections translations and rotation are rigid motion s?

Reflections, translations, and rotations are considered rigid motions because they preserve the size and shape of the original figure. These transformations do not distort the object in any way, maintaining the distances between points and angles within the figure. As a result, the object's properties such as perimeter, area, and angles remain unchanged after undergoing these transformations.

What are transformations in maths?

A transformation is how you move a shape from one place to another. For example rotations, translations and reflections are all ways of moving a shape.

What are 3 types of transformations?

Rotations, Reflections and Enlargments

Which transformations can be used to create tessellations?

rotations and translations

What are 3 types of transformations of linear functions?

Rotations, reflections and enlargements.

What is the difference between reflections and rotations?

rotations you stay in the same spot you just turn at a specific angle measure. a reflections you reflect over either the x or y axis and its like the picture looking in the mirror.

What is the coordinates of a rectangle with a length of 5 units and a width of 2 units?

There is not enough information to provide an answer. You need to know the coordinates of three vertices before you can find the coordinates of the fourth. Otherwise, there are alternative solutions using translations, reflections and rotations.

What are the properties of reflections?
