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Q: What are the rules in converting one unit to another?
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How is converting one unit of measure similar to converting to another unit of measure?

You don't really "convert a unit of measurement"; you convert from one unit to another. The two - "from" and "to" are always required.

What are the rules in converting units from one meter to another?


What is converting one unit to another?

An example would be converting cm into metres, or converting yards into feet, it is just allowing us to use a different unit of measurement.

When you convert one unit to another how do you know which unit to place in the denominator?

You place the unit which you are converting from in the denominator.

What is converting measurements from one unit to another called?

It's usually just called conversion, or unit conversion.

Are you converting from a smaller unit to a larger unit or from a larger unit to a smaller unit?

The answer to that one is going to depend on two things:-- what unit you are converting from-- what unit you are converting to

What is the method of converting measurements in one unit to measurements in another urn is called?


What are the general mathematical operations you use when converting from one SI unit to another?

division and multiplication

What is the value of converting information from one type to another?

Converting information from one type to another. Converting information from one type to another.

What are the general mathematical operations you use when converting one si unit to another?

All SI units are powers of 10. Multiplying by 10 will convert units.

How much does one pint equal to?

It depends what unit you are converting to. Try google searching an online unit converter.

What is converting mean?

changing from one type to another