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Nothing. I have studied rationals long enough to know all that I want to know about them.

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Q: What are things that you want to know about rational numbers?
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What do you want to know about rational numbers?

I doubt very much if you have anything to tell me that I do not already know.

How do you find percents of rational numbers?

The answer will depend on whether you want percentage equivalents of rational numbers or one rational number as a percentage of another.

Where do you use rational numbers in real life?

Everywhere, you say I want one apple, or twocookies; both rational numbers.

How many units are there in rational numbers?

Rational numbers are all whole numbers over 0. It basically means that if you want to say how much cats you have, you use rational numbers. You don't have -8 cats, you don't have 0 cats and hopefully you don't have 3.5 cats. You have 4 cats. There are infinite rational numbers.

Are every rational numbers fractions true or false?

Here we go again ... a yes/no question asking for a true/false answer.Every rational number can be written as a fraction if you want to, even thougha lot of rational numbers are whole numbers that don't have to be written asfractions.

What is the procedure of rounding of a rational number?

Rational numbers are not usually rounded - their decimal equivalents are. So convert a rational into its decimal equivalent and then round it to however many places that you want.

What are two prime numbers?

i know what 2 prime numbers are. you want to know? do you really want to know. well, heres the answer. i don't know what 2 prime numbers are but i do know what 2 prime numbers are. sorry. hahaha. :)

How would we use rational numbers in the real world?

Any time that you want to count or share anything.

What is Rational defensible?

Please clarify the question. Tell us what you want to know.

How can rational number be used to help locate irrational?

The idea is to look for a rational number that is close to the desired irrational number. You can find rational numbers that are as close as you want - for example, by calculating more decimal digits.

Why does the sum of rational number and irrational numbers are always irrational?

Let your sum be a + b = c, where "a" is irrational, "b" is rational, and "c" may be either (that's what we want to find out). In this case, c - b = a. If we assume that c is rational, you would have: a rational number minus a rational number is an irrational number, which can't be true (both addition and subtraction are closed in the set of rational numbers). Therefore, we have a contradiction with the assumption that "c" (the sum in the original equation) is rational.

What is a subset of rational numbers?

Unit fractions (those with a numerator of 1), but I suspect you want Integers: ℤ ⊂ ℚ