Rational numbers are not usually rounded - their decimal equivalents are. So convert a rational into its decimal equivalent and then round it to however many places that you want.
An irrational number is any number which cannot be expressed as a fraction. The number in the question can be expressed as a fraction (61,849,875,234,920,006/100,000,000,000,000) and so is rational. That being said, I suspect what has been entered was copied from a calculator, and actually represents a rounding of the number to the nearest rational number, so the answer may actually be irrational.
You can not add irrational numbers. You can round off irrational numbers and then add them but in the process of rounding off the numbers, you make them rational. Then the sum becomes rational.
Yes. 12300 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 12300. No problem!
As much as, in these days of uncertainty, anything can be anything. As long as the constraints of a rational number are kept to, a rational number will always remain a rational number.
No, it is a more precise procedure than that.
Yes.Because you know where the decimals on the number end, it is a rational number. If you are just rounding the number, and it's really 50.85624861913756843168713843134313764673388 .... etc., with the decimals continuing forever without a pattern, then it is irrational.
No irrational number can turn into a rational number by itself: you have to do something to it. If you multiply any irrational number by 0, the answer is 0, which is rational. So, given the correct procedure, every irrational number can be turned into a rational number.
range, rounding, radius, rational number, rhombus, regular shape, right angle, reflection
An irrational number is any number which cannot be expressed as a fraction. The number in the question can be expressed as a fraction (61,849,875,234,920,006/100,000,000,000,000) and so is rational. That being said, I suspect what has been entered was copied from a calculator, and actually represents a rounding of the number to the nearest rational number, so the answer may actually be irrational.
You can not add irrational numbers. You can round off irrational numbers and then add them but in the process of rounding off the numbers, you make them rational. Then the sum becomes rational.
It is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction.
Yes. 12300 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 12300. No problem!
Is 12.05 a rational number or irrational number?
1.96 is a rational number
It is a rational number, as it can be written as a fraction.