

What are two factors of 1296 that have a sum of 70?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are two factors of 1296 that have a sum of 70?
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The odd factors of 70 are: 1, 5, 7, and 35. The sum of these factors is 48.

What is the sum of all the odd factors of 70?

The odd positive integer factors of 70 are: 1 5 7 35 The sum of these factors is 1 + 5 + 7 + 35 = 48

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70 + 19 = 89 or: the sum of 70 and 19 is 89

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30 and 70 Check: 30+70 = 100 and 30*70 = 2100

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The pair of factors you are looking for is 23 x 47 = 1081. In fact, aside from itself and 1, these are the only two positive integer factors of 1081.

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What are the chances of getting a sum of 70 on two dice?

The probability is zero. The largest possible sum on two dice is 12.

Is 70 a abunant or deficient or perfect?

If the sum of all a number's factors (apart from itself) is equal to the original number, then the number is perfect. If this sum is less than the number, it is deficient. If the sum is more than the number, it is abundant. The factors of 70 are: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 35 and 70. 1+2+5+7+10+14+35 = 74. Thus the number 70 is abundant.

How many times can you get 70 with the sum of 2 prime numbers?

There are five ways to get a sum of 70 with two prime numbers: 3 + 67 = 70 11 + 59 = 70 17 + 53 = 70 23 + 47 = 70 29 + 41 = 70.

What two numbers have a sum of 70 and the product of 1189 what are the two numbers?

29 and 41

What are two numbers with a product of 70 and a sum of 19?

They are: 5 and 14

What two consecutive numbers equal 70?

There are no two consecutive numbers that equal 70 because the sum of any two consecutive numbers is an odd number.