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acceleration = change in speed /time = (10-25)/240=15/240 = -1/16

The train is slowing down (decelerating) at a rate of 1/16 mile per second per second


Hate wasting work! Same answer in decimal.

Acceleration ( looks like slow down here ) = change in velocity/change in time

10 mi/s = 25 mi/s/240 s - 0

= - 0. 0625 mi/s2

======================long time braking

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Q: What describes a trains acceleration if you changes speed from 25 miles per second to 10 miles per second in 240 seconds?
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Which describes an object's velocity that changes by the same amount each second?

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None of the units make sense here, please recheck units and ask again

The phrase''ten meters per second squared'' describes the?

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What is acceleration and its si unit?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.

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