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Q: What is the Calculate the average acceleration of a car that changes speed 0 minute second to 15 minute second in 5 seconds?
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A horses velocity changes from 0 m s to 10 m s 5 seconds later What is the horses average acceleration?

2 meter/seconds squared

A cars velocity changes from 20 ms to 50 ms 10 seconds later What is the cars average acceleration?

3 ms-2

What is the equation used to calculate the accerleration of an object?

Change of speed divided by time gives you average acceleration. For example, a change of 30 m/s during 5 seconds gives you 6 meters per second square - this is the average acceleration during those 5 seconds. If acceleration is constant, then this is also the acceleration at any moment during those 5 seconds. For more complicated functions (non-constant acceleration), derivates (a topic in calculus) has to be used. Specifically, the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity.

What is the average acceleration between 0 seconds and 4 seconds?

what is the change in speed or velocity? average acceleration will be change in speed or velocity divided by time taken (4 seconds in ur case)

What is the Acceleration of Fnet100N with a velocity of 20ms in 5 seconds?

To calculate the acceleration, you need to divide the net force by the mass.

What is the average acceleration of the particle between 0 seconds and 4 seconds?

it's answer "c"

A cars velocity changes from 20 m s to 50 m s 10 seconds later What is the cars average acceleration?

5 m/s2 east

When acceleration occurs?

Acceleration occurs when velocity changes over time. The formula for it is as follows: a = (Vf - Vi) / t a: acceleration (meters/seconds2) Vf: Final velocity (meters/seconds) Vi: Initial Velocity (meters/seconds) t: Time (seconds)

Can bodies with different velocities have same acceleration?

Yes, velocity is acceleration x time. If acceleration is the same, velocity can be different as it changes with time. For example a car accelerating with constant acceleration will have a different velocity after 5 seconds than it will have at 2 seconds.

What is the average velocity of the particle from rest to 9 seconds?

The answer will depend on its acceleration.

Calculate average velocity and average speed?

sharon sprinter changes her speed from 4.5m/s to 7.5m/s in the middle 1.5 seconds of a 100m race. what is her average velocity for this time period?

If a cars velocity changes from 0 ms to 30 ms 10 seconds later its average acceleration is?

Acceleration = (change in speed) / (change in time) = (30 m/s) / (10 sec) = 3 meters per second2