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1: the numbers are co-prime.

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Q: What divides into 27 and 32 evenly?
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Related questions

Why is 4 a factor of 32?

Because 4 divides evenly into 32 with no remainder.

Can 32 go into 27?

No. 27 is not evenly divisible by 32.

What is the largest integer that divides evenly into 63 and 27?


How do you know 3 is a factor of 27?

Because 3 divides evenly into 27 with no remainder.

Lcm of 27 and 108?

27 divides into 108 evenly (27*4=108), so 108 is the LCM.◄

Are 15 and 32 relatively prime?

Yes. The only number that divides both evenly is 1.

What is the great common factor of 24 and 32?

The greatest common factor, or GCF of a number is the largest positive integer that divides evenly into all of the other integers. Here, that would be 8.The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest number that divides evenly into all the other numbers. Here, with 24 and 32, the GCF is 8 because that is the largest number that divides evenly into both.

What number divides into 729 evenly?

All of these: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729.

This is a number which divides evenly into a given number.?

A factor divides evenly into a given number.

If c is a positive integer that divides evenly into both 64 and 96 but divides evenly into neither 16 nor 20 what should you get when you add the digits in c?

The answer for C would be 32, so the digits equal 5 when added together.

What number is the greatest cube of a whole number that evenly divides 54?

27 = the cube of 3 = 54/2

What do you call a number that divides evenly into another?

A number that divides evenly into another number is called a factor.