

What do you call a fraction bigger than a whole?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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improper fraction

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Q: What do you call a fraction bigger than a whole?
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Is fractions bigger than numbers?

Uh . . . . . .no a fraction is less than a whole like a decimal. a number a whole. Therefore a fraction is less than a number.

Is 14 tenths greater than 1 whole?

Yes, as 14 is bigger than 10, the fraction is more than 1/1, and therefore is bigger than one whole.

Is a whole number bigger than a friaction?

No. For any given fraction, you can find whole numbers that are more than, and whole numbers that are less than, the fraction. For example, if your fraction is 5/2 (equal to 2 1/2), 2 is less, and 3 is more, than this fraction.

Proper fraction and improper fraction?

If you're asking the difference, then a proper fraction is when the numerator is smaller than the denominator. And an improper fraction is a fraction bigger than whole or when the numerator is larger than the denominator.

What do you call a fraction that's numerator is bigger than the denominator?

yes it could be

What is a fraction bigger than 1?

A fraction bigger than one is an improper fraction.

When you divide a fraction by a whole number will it be bigger than the quotient?

I'm so not sure can someone help me?

Is a mixed fraction bigger than a regular fraction?

Yes it is. A regular fraction is a fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator, thus the value of the fraction will always be less than one. Note that a fraction with it's numerator bigger than the denominator does not count as a regular fraction; it is called a improper fraction. Whereas a mixed fraction is a regular fraction with a whole number at the left that is at least one. Thus, the value of a mixed fraction will always be more than one.

What numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator?

It is anImproper fraction,ONLY if the numerator is bigger than the denominator, and if the numerator and denominator are the same it is a whole number.example of an improper fraction: 5/3example of a whole number: 7/7

Is the fraction four fifths bigger than seven eighths?

No! The fraction seven eighths is bigger than the fraction four fifths.

Is the fraction 710 bigger than the fraction 25?

7/10 is bigger than 2/5

Is an fraction bigger than mixed number?

You can make a fraction that is bigger, or smaller, than a mixed number.