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Q: What do you call a number that is equal to the sum of its factors?
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Equal to the sum of its proper factors?

A perfect number.

If a number that is more than the sum of its factors it's called what?

You're referring to an Abundant Number(unlike a Perfect Number, which is equal to the sum of its factors).

What is the sum of all the factors of a perfect number is equal to the number?

It is a tautological statement.

A number for which sum of all its factors is equal to twice the number is called?

composite number

What is the term for equal to the sum of its proper factors?

A perfect number is the term for a number that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors. Be careful not to confuse that with proper factors. Proper divisors include 1 but not the number itself. Proper factors don't include either I or the original number.

What number between 20 and 30 has a sum of all its proper factors equal to twice the number itself?

There aren't any numbers like that. You might be thinking of 28, which has a sum of all its factors equal to twice itself, making it a perfect number. Proper factors are a different set.

Are there any quasi-perfect numbers?

A "perfect number" is a number that is equal to the sum of its factors (that is, the factors that are less than the number). As far as I know, there is no concept of "quasi-perfect" in number theory.

What are the factors of -84 that equal the sum of -16?

The factors of -84 that equal the sum of -16 are: -28 and 12 -14 and -2 -12 and -4

Is 42 a perfect number?

Use the definition of a perfect number! Add the factors; if the sum of all the factors (excluding the number itself) is equal to the number, it is a perfect number, otherwise it isn't. (Actually, the only perfect numbers less than 100 are 6, and 28.)Use the definition of a perfect number! Add the factors; if the sum of all the factors (excluding the number itself) is equal to the number, it is a perfect number, otherwise it isn't. (Actually, the only perfect numbers less than 100 are 6, and 28.)Use the definition of a perfect number! Add the factors; if the sum of all the factors (excluding the number itself) is equal to the number, it is a perfect number, otherwise it isn't. (Actually, the only perfect numbers less than 100 are 6, and 28.)Use the definition of a perfect number! Add the factors; if the sum of all the factors (excluding the number itself) is equal to the number, it is a perfect number, otherwise it isn't. (Actually, the only perfect numbers less than 100 are 6, and 28.)

What is a perfect number in C programming?

A number sum of whose factors is equal to that number is known as perfect number. Eg. 6 Factors : 1,2,3 1+2+3=6 That's why it is a perfect number

What is the sum of the factors in -14?

The sum of the factors of any negative number is zero.

Factors of 9 that added up equal -3?