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you distribute the negative to the inside of the parenthesis

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Q: What do you do when you get to the parenthesis on an expression mat?
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P stands for Parenthesis. Which means in a numerical expression you must do the sums that are in parenthesis first.

What are the role played by parenthesis in an expression in C language?

Parenthesis will affect the order of execution priority of statements. Expressions within parenthesis assume highest priority.

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In Evaluating Expression first,replace each letter in the expression with the assigned value. second,perform the operations in the expression using the correct order of operations and the last you got the answer

You can approximate e by substituting large values for n into the expression?

(1+(1/n))^n you have to enter this way...payattention to parenthesis

What does it mean when you have a number and then one parenthesis and then another number?

If you have an expression like 2(3), the parentheses indicate multiplication, making the answer 6.

Rules in operations in algebraic expression?

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication or Division(whichever come first from left to right*), Addition or Subtraction *

What does this expression mean Go to the mattress?

The expression Go to the mattress is just more comfy than the original expression, Go to the mat, which comes from wrestling. In wrestling matches, the objective is to take your opponent "to the mat" and pin him there until the referee calls who won that move or match. Gym mats are protective-- but firm and hard. When you change the expression to mattress, you can see how much softer that would be to do on a mattress.

What are three ways to indicate multiplication in a mathematical expression?

You can use the common X multiplication symbol, a dot, or use parenthesis with a coefficient next to them.

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