

What do you have to add to subtract a rational number?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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You have to add the additive inverse. To subtract q, you add -q.

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Q: What do you have to add to subtract a rational number?
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What happens when you add subtract multiply and divide rational numbers?

If you add, subtract or multiply rational numbers, the result will be a rational number. It will also be so if you divide by a non-zero rational number. But division by zero is not defined.

Can you subtract two rational numbers and get an irrational number?

Do you mean can we subtract one rational number from another rational number and get an irrational number as the difference? I'm not a mathematician, but I suspect strongly the answer is no. Wouldn't this imply that we can sometimes add a rational number to an irrational one, and get a rational number as a sum? That doesn't seem possible.Ans 2.It isn't possible. Proof :-Given two rational numbers, multiply the two denominators.Express each rational in terms of the common multiple.Algebraically add the numerators of the new rational numbers.Put this over the common multiple; there's the result expressed as a ratio.

What happens when you subtract rational numbers?

The answer is a rational number.

What is the subtract of rational and irrational number?

It is an irrational number.

Do you add or subtract when you have a negative number and a positive?

Subtract and add the sign of the greater number.

What numbers would you add to pie over 3 in order to obtain an answer that is a rational number?

You might add (-pi/3), in which case you obtain zero. Or you can choose any other rational number, and subtract that number minus pi/3. For example, if you want the result to be 2, , the number you must add is (2 - pi/3).

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Why is division not closed for rational numbers give an example?

If a set is closed under an operation. then the answer will be a part of that set. If you add, subtract or multiply any two rational numbers you get another national number. But when it comes to division, it is closed except for one number and that is ZERO. eg 3.56 (rational number) ÷ 0 = no answer. Since no answer is not a rational number, that rational numbers are not closed under the operation of division.

Can you add to the rational numbers and get a rational number?

Yes, you can.

When adding a positive number to a negative number why do you always get a positive number?

-5+-3 = -8 ++ Add -- Add +- Subtract -+ Subtract

What is the answer to a 4 digit number subtracted from a 5 digit number to equal 33333?

Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.

How do you add sign number?

If the number has a + sign then you add it, if it has a - sign, then you subtract it.