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the theorems and postulates used in the proof

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Q: What do you use as reasons to support the steps of geometric proof?
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Related questions

What is used to support steps of a geometric proof?

Steps in a geometric proof do not require support

What is used to the steps of a geometric proof?

we use various theorems and laws to prove certain geometric statements are true

What statements describes geometric proof?

consists of a logical chain of steps supported by accepted truths.. Plato ;)

What is used to support the steps of a geometric proof?

For getting any geometricial proof the following steps should be followed: 1. write what you want to find i.e. L.H.S. or R.H.S. of the relation. 2.write what all variables you need to have to arrive at that value straight forward. 3.afterthis write down what all values or figures you have at your disposal 4.Then with the help of values in (3) try to find out (2) 5.put the values of the (2) in the equation for(1) you have your relation.

What types of statement can be used to explain the steps of a proof?

The corollaries types of statement is what is used to explain the steps of a proof.

What types of the statement can be used to explain the steps of a proof?

The corollaries types of statement is what is used to explain the steps of a proof.

Can a conjecture justify steps of a proof?


Steps of a proof?

Yes, they are required.

Which types of statements can justify the steps of proof?

which of the following types of statement can be used to explain the steps of proof?

What can justify the steps of a proof?

Mathematical logic.

Can a postulate be used to justify the steps of a proof?


How do you do proofs?

A proof is a very abstract thing. You can write a formal proof or an informal proof. An example of a formal proof is a paragraph proof. In a paragraph proof you use a lot of deductive reasoning. So in a paragraph you would explain why something can be done using postulates, theorems, definitions and properties. An example of an informal proof is a two-column proof. In a two-column proof you have two columns. One is labeled Statements and the other is labeled Reasons. On the statements side you write the steps you would use to prove or solve the problem and on the "reasons" side you explain your statement with a theorem, definition, postulate or property. Proofs are very difficult. You may want to consult a math teacher for help.