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permutation without replacement

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Q: What do you use to compute the total number of a 4-letter names with nonrepeating letters?
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Can an irrational number be nonrepeating and nonterminating?


What can be a number that can be expressed as a nonrepeating nonterminating decimal?

an irrational number

What real number is nonterminating and a nonrepeating decimal?

The only real number that is non-terminating and non-repeating is Pi (pie)

What is the mistake in this pi equals 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693933751058209749445?

Pi is an irrational number, with an infinite number of nonrepeating digits. So pi is only approximately equal to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693933751058209749445.

Write a java that computes the value of 2?

Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);

Is 0.20200200020000200000 rational number?

That specific number is rational, yes. However, there's a pattern there (2,1 zero, 2, 2 zeroes, 2, three zeroes, 2, four zeroes), and if you're asking if the infinite nonrepeating decimal following that pattern is rational... no it is not, that kind of being what "infinite nonrepeating decimal" means.

What is the age and value of a Winchester 1873 serial 459317B in good condition?

If the serial number is 459317, it was made in 1893. Letters don't compute in a Winchester serial number for a model 1873.

Is an irrational number a number that is represented by a nonrepeating decimal?

Yes, However, it is not defined that way. It is defined as a number that cannot be expressed precisely as a ratio of two real numbers (a fraction). But that is equivalent to a non-repeating decimal.

Is 7.1234 is a rational number?


What is a non-terminating number?

A nonterminating number does not end. An example is the fraction 1/3. When written as a decimal, it is a nonterminating number. Also pi is a nonterminating number. Some nonterminating numbers are repeating, some are nonrepeating. But they just don't end.

How do you compute fuel consumption?

number of miles driven on a tank / number of gallons to replenish that tank.

Is negative one-half a real number?

Yes, -1/2 or -0.5 is a real number. It is also a rational number and a nonrepeating decimal rational number. All negative and positive numbers as well as zero are real numbers. The real numbers also includes the irrational numbers.