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However, it is not defined that way. It is defined as a number that cannot be expressed precisely as a ratio of two real numbers (a fraction). But that is equivalent to a non-repeating decimal.

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Q: Is an irrational number a number that is represented by a nonrepeating decimal?
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Do irrational contain decimals?

An irrational number can be represented by a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal.

Can irrational numbers be decimals?

An irrational number by definition can not be exactly represented by a decimal that terminates or recurs. The moment a decimal terminates, or settles into a repeating pattern, it is rational.

What is the approximate of each irrational?

Every irrational number can be represented by a non-terminating non-repeating decimal. Rounding this decimal representation to a suitable degree will provide a suitable approximation.

What does an irrational look like?

An irrational number is one which cannot be expressed in the form of a ratio of two integers. This implies that it cannot be represented by a terminating or recurring decimal number.

A decimal number is an irrational number?

A decimal number can be rational or irrational.

Why can't irrational numbers ever be precisely represented in a decimal form?

Suppose an irrational number can be written precisely in decimal form, with n digits after the decimal point. Then if you multiply the decimal value by 10n you will get an integer, say k. Then the decimal representation is equivalent to k/10n, which is a ratio of two integers and so the number, by definition, is rational - not irrational.

What is the exact fraction form of pi?

It is said to be 22/7. And it is 3.14 in decimal form. * * * * * pi is a transcendental number which is a kind of irrational number. An irrational number cannot be represented as an exact fraction.

What is the mistake in this pi equals 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693933751058209749445?

Pi is an irrational number, with an infinite number of nonrepeating digits. So pi is only approximately equal to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693933751058209749445.

Is -74 an irrational number?

-74 is not an irrational number. An irrational number can not be represented in the form of a faction.