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Q: What do you use to determine if a surface is exactly horizontal?
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In order to determine the amount of liquid a spherical tank will hold would you need to use volume or surface area?


Find the surface area of a baseball with a circumference of 22.608 centimeters to determine how much leather is needed to cover the ball use 3.14 pi?


What is the horizantal line test and vertical line test?

Horizonatal line test is a test use to determine if a function is one-to-one. If a horizontal line intersects a function's graph more than once, then the function is not one-to-one. A one-to-one function is a function where every element of the range correspons to exactly one element of the domain. Vertical line test is a test used to determine if a function is a function or relation. If you can put a vertical line through graph and it only hits the graph once, then it is a function. If it hits more than once, then it is a relation.

What graph use vertical and horizontal bars to make comparison?

That would be a bar graph.

How you find the radius of a sphere?

It depends on the information you have. You could put the sphere on a flat surface and lower a horizontal plane onto it so that it just touches the top of the sphere. The distance between the flat surface and the horizontal plane is the sphere's diameter; the radius is half that. Or you could measure its volume by measuring the amount of fluid (water) that it displaces in a measuring container or the overflow from any full container. Then use the formula V = 4/3*pi*R3 to work out the radius. If you knew the density of the material of the sphere, you could measure its mass and work out its volume that way.

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The best tool to check for horizontal trueness is a spirit level or a laser level. These tools can help you determine if a surface is level or if there are any deviations from the horizontal plane.

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To determine where something came from, you will need to know exactly what it is. If it is an store-purchased object, you can use the manufacturer and product model number or barcode to determine exactly where it was made or came from.

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You can use surface mining methods such as open-pit mining and strip mining for a horizontal layer of coal close to the surface. These methods involve removing overburden to access the coal seam, making them suitable for shallow coal deposits.

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To determine the gradient of a ramp, you can use the formula: Gradient = vertical rise / horizontal run. Measure the height of the ramp (vertical rise) and the distance along the slope (horizontal run), then calculate the gradient by dividing the height by the distance. The gradient represents the steepness of the ramp.

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The more craters, the older the surface. If a surface is young, there will be fewer craters.

Can you determine whether the inverse of a function is a function by using vertical line test?

Not quite. You can use a vertical line test on the graph of the inverse mapping, OR you can use a horizontal line test on the original graph. The horizontal line test is used in the same way.

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There are several things scientists can do to determine the surface temperature of a star. Formulas utilizing Wein's law and the Stefanâ??Boltzmann law can calculate stellar temperatures. However, for a rough estimate, scientists can also use the color of a star in order to determine surface temperature.

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the word horizontal means: flat or level: a horizontal position. "The line is horizontal to the ground" would work.....

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For rectangular pools, multiply the length times the width. For other regular shapes use formulas for the appropriate geometry. For irregular shapes, the simplest way is to draw the shape on paper and use a planimeter to determine the area. If you are clever, you can use a tracing of the shape and a good balance to determine the surface area.

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we use oil capacitor in horizontal way,This is correct or not?