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That would be a bar graph.

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Q: What graph use vertical and horizontal bars to make comparison?
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What general statements can make your graph?

can be created with vertical bars or with horizontal bars.

What graph that uses horizontal bars or vertical bars to compare numbers or quantities?

A graph that uses bars is simply called a bar graph.

A graph consisting of vertical bars with no space between bars is called a?

A bar graphA graph consisting of bars is called a bar graph. It is irrelevant whether the bars are horizontal or vertical or whether there are spaces between the bars or not.

What kid of graph presents data using vertical or horizontal bars?

A bar graph

What graphs use vertical or horizontal bars to make comparisons?

Line graph

Would you interpretations be different if the graph had vertical bars instead horizontal bars Explain?

yes because horizontal lines are across and vertical lines is up n down

A garph that uses vertical or horizontal bars to display data?

bar chart/bar graph

What is definition of Bar Graph?

A bar graph is a visual display formed by lines or bars across a scaled grid. The relative lengths of the bars (horizontal or vertical) indicates the values represented.

What is the definition of a bar graph?

A bar graph is a visual display formed by lines or bars across a scaled grid. The relative lengths of the bars (horizontal or vertical) indicates the values represented.

What does a bar graph look like?

A bar graph is a graph that has vertical or horizontal bars to represent numbers. A bar graph is usually used to compare two different things with each other.

What information go to bar graph?

You have two sides to a bar graph. Each side will have data. Let's say you are graphing a race. On the horizontal axis you could put the names of the racers and on the vertical axis you put the miles. You would then graph the number of miles for each racer in a bar form and color the bars in to show a comparison.

When you draw the bar on a bars graph do they go horiztonal or vertical?
