

What does compute in math?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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Compute means to figure out the question and get an answer.

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Q: What does compute in math?
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Only if the problem calls for it.

What does compute mean in math?

It means to calculate.

Is math the same universal?

No. Math is relative to you, your location and frame of reference. Our math is limited to what we understand and can compute. Math is greater than what we know, or can know.

What does compute mean in math ways?

it Means To Calculate Explain If I Say Compute 3.52 X 14 It mean to calculate get it i hope you do

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Calculate, Compute, Calculus, Calculator.

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To compute very large or very small numbers.

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What were computers meant to do?

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Why do you need math to be a mechanical engineer?

Engineering is a purely math field! From the very basic engineering courses, all you do is math. You must compute things like trajectories of objects spinning, flying, falling, etc, or what an object might do if it were to start moving. You also need to compute areas and volumes of odd-shaped objects to more accurately represent them in problems to determine how they will move--crucial for mechanical engineers. Basically, if you're not good at math, engineering is not the field for you.