

Is math the same universal

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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No. Math is relative to you, your location and frame of reference. Our math is limited to what we understand and can compute. Math is greater than what we know, or can know.

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Q: Is math the same universal
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Math is not local, it is universal. Your question is incoherent.

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Unlike normal languages, math does not change depending on where you are in the world. 2+2=4 in every nation.

What type of math do people do in Ireland?

Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.