

What does octangular mean?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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Q: What does octangular mean?
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How many vertices does a octangular pyramid?


How many faces edges and vertices does a octangular pyramid have?

An octangular pyramid, probably better known as an octagonal pyramid, has 9 faces, 16 edges and 9 vertices.

How many faces does a octangular pyramid have?

Nine; eight triangular faces which all meet at the apex and the base, which is in the shape of an octagon.

Which sample words come from the Greek 'octa-' for eight?

The adjectives octagonal and octangular are examples of words that come from the Greek and Latin prefix 'octa-' for 'eight'. The adjective/noun octavo is another example. Other examples include octagon, octahedron, octant, and octave.

What are some words that include the syllables 'octa-'?

The noun octagon and the adjectives octagonal and octangular are examples of words that begin with the Greek and Latin prefix 'octa-'. The noun octahedron is another example. Still another example is the noun octant. Yet another example may be found in the noun octave or the adjective/noun octavo.

Which words other than 'octagon' begin with the prefix 'octa-'?

The adjectives octagonal and octangular are examples of words that begin with the Greek and Latin prefix 'octa-'. Another example is the adjective/noun octavo. The nouns octahedron, octant, and octave are still other examples.

Remington model 12 pump rifle serial no217133 with fixed sights and octangular barrell Cant find anyplace on gun saying if it is a A or B or C configuration. wwwUsOldGuysRideHarleysgmailcom?

If it's a hexagon barrel and 22 lr it's a 12-C if it's 22 WRF it's a 12-CS. 12-A is a round barrel, 12-B is round and shoots short's only (Gallery rifle) By the way it was made in 1913.

How man vertices on a octangualar pyramid?

Answer 3Of course it depends on the shape. And the question is about one particular shape: an octangular (let's not quibble over the spelling) pyramid. This is by definition a shape having an octagon as its base and one apex. The base has 8 vertices and the apex is the 9th.Answer 2It depends on the shape.Octangular implies 8 vertices. These can be in the form of a cuboid, a heptagonal pyramid, a hexagonal di-pyramid, or at least two other shapes.A cuboid has 16 diagonals;A heptagonal pyramid has 14 (all in the heptagon);A hexagonal dipyramid had 10 (9 in the hexagon and one joining the two apex).The "other shapes".Think of a triangular prisms lying on a rectangular face. Consider both the top vertices being pushed towards each other. Now attach this to a mirror image underneath it. This shape will have 14 diagonals. (If the vertices are not pushed in, the result will be a kind of cuboid).Finally, there as a pentagon with one apex below it and two apex above. There are 5 diagonals in the pentagon, 5 from the pentagon to an apex above, two between the top apex and bottom and none between the pentagon and the apex below. A total of 12. But I would not bet on that.Also, there may be other octangular shapes.Answer 19

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