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Any vector can be "decomposed" into components along any two non-parallel directions. In particular, a vector may be decomposed along a pair (more in higher dimensional spaces) of orthogonal directions. Orthogonal means at right angles and so you have the original vector split up into components that are at right angles to each other - for example, along the x-axis and the y-axis. These components are the rectangular components of the original vector.

The reason for doing this is that vectors acting at right angles to one another do not affect one another.

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I will assume a vector in a plane - in two dimensions. The idea of polar coordinates is that the vector is expressed as its length, and an angle. If you already have the vector in rectangular coordinates, i.e. the x and y components, most scientific calculators have a function that might be labelled R->P, to convert from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. Otherwise, use basic trigonometry - but using the specialized function is much faster, if your calculator has it.