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Q: What else has same units of measurement as work?
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Fundamental and derived measurement units.

Why there is need of standard units of measurement?

Standard units of measurement allow other people to know what you mean when you use those units. To make this recipe you need four ounces of butter. OK, we know how much that is. If we had no standard units, it would be very hard to accurately convey exactly how much butter the recipe requires. And then what would your cookies taste like?

Work is measured in the same units as what?


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What is the measurement of how much work is done in a given?

The measurement of work done is the same measure we use for energy output. This measurement is called the joule and is symbolized simply by the letter j.

What is the measure of the energy of particles of matter?

joule (measurement of energy) joule is the work or energy in international system of units.

What is the energy of motion of particles of matter?

joule (measurement of energy) joule is the work or energy in international system of units.

What units of measurement do eyedroppers use?

A ruler would work best if you are wanting to measure the length of an eye dropper.

Are the units for work and energy equivalent?

Yes, work and energy have the same units. In the SI system, both are measured in Joules.

What are the three-stage procedures of work measurement systems?

All work measurement systems are based on the same, simple three-stage procedure: analysis, data collection and measurement, and synthesis.

What measure's the energy of motion of particles of matter?

joule (measurement of energy) joule is the work or energy in international system of units.

What measure of the energy of motion of particles of matter?

joule (measurement of energy) joule is the work or energy in international system of units.