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Q: What equations represents a graph that increases most rapidly?
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What does a single solution to a system of equations mean?

It represents the point of intersection on a graph.

How do you write equations from graphs?

Assuming the graph is linear, all equations will follow the formula y = mx + c, where "mx" represents the gradient of the line; "c" is the y-intercept i.e. where the graph crosses the y-axis.

Solving the system of equations by graphing?

Graph both equations on the same graph. Where they intersect is the solution to the system of equations

How can you use a graph to solve systems of equations?

You can use a graph to solve systems of equations by plotting the two equations to see where they intersect

How are linear equations similar or different from functions?

A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.

Graph mathematical equations?

You can.

How we solve equations of motion by graph?

One can solve equations of motion by graph by taking readings of the point of interception.

Why is there a curve and not a straight line in the graph for a filament lamp?

I had to answer this and found out that............ The line on the graph that represents the filament lamp is curved because the resistance of it increases with supplied voltage Hope this is alright for you :) x

What represents acceleration on a graph?

The answer depends on the variables in the graph! In a graph of age against mass there is nothing that represents acceleration.

A straight line on a distance time graph represents what type of speed?

A straight line on a distance/time graph means that the speed is constant. In every unit of time the distance increases by the same amount.

What happens to a graph of time and distance as speed increases?

The graph of distance vs time increases exponentially as speed increases.

You want a graph to solve equations?

No, thank you.