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Galileo did not directly provide evidence for the heliocentric principle but he did discover important evidence that raised doubts about the Ptolemaic system with the Earth at the centre.

First, he discovered the moons of Jupiter, and these were the first objects discovered that definitely orbited round something that was not the Earth. That was one thing.

Secondly, he discovered that Venus has a gibbous phase when seen from Earth in certain positions in its orbit. This is not explained by the Ptolemaic system because Venus cannot go round behind the Sun in the Ptolemaic system.

Again this did not prove the heliocentric principle because Tycho Brahe came up with an intermediate system that had Mercury and Venus orbiting round the Sun, and then the Sun and the other planets orbit round the Earth. So this was still a geocentric system that explained all Venus's phases.

Therefore Galileo did not have enough evidence to prove the heliocentric principle, and after his trial he recanted.

But 60-70 years later enough new evidence had been gathered to convince most people that the Sun is at the centre, as we believe now.

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Q: What evidence did Galileo provide for the support of a Heliocentric solar system?
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How did galileo's observation support the heliocentric system?

Venus goes through phases similar to those of Earth's moon.#1Direction

How did Galileo observations support the idea of the heliocentric system?

Galileo's observations with his telescope supported the concept of heliocentricism. He noted that the satellites of Jupiter and Venus, based on their range of phases, did not match geocentricism supported by Ptolemy. He noted that based on these findings, that the Heliocentric theory was correct.

What evidence did Galileo have to his theory?

Galileo's support for the heliocentric theory (note that this is Copernicus's theory, not Galileo's) got him into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church. In 1633 the Inquisition convicted him of heresy and forced him to recant (publicly withdraw) his support of Copernicus. They sentenced him to life imprisonment, but because of his advanced age allowed him serve his term under house arrest at his villa in Arcetri outside of Florence.

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Galileo Galilei . He only helped support the theory through his observations , he didn't invent the model, Copernicus did.

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Why did catholic church leaders oppose Galileo's sun centered model of the universe?

The Bible is written from an implicitly geocentric viewpoint, so if we take the Bible as the ultimate authority on everything, then it would be wrong to come to other conclusions such as the heliocentric theory, merely by observing the way the universe actually is. Incidentally, although Galileo did support the heliocentric theory, it was originally proposed by Copernicus. It isn't Galileo's model. Galileo did contribute to this theory with his astronomical observations, however.

Why did Galileo's support of the heliocentric theory cause the conflict with the catholic church and how was the conflict resolved?

The church had been using the geocentric Aristotelian theory for many decades and the heliocentric theory challenged what they believed to be a system that worked in tandem with scripture. Galileo staunchly believed in the heliocentric theory so he struck a deal with Pope Urban VIII. Galileo could discuss heliocentric theory, but only so long at it was a hypothetical discussion. When Galileo wrote Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems, not only was it apparent that he was not discussing hypothetically, but he made the Pope look stupid. Galileo was put on trial for his actions, because he recanted what he said and basically apologized, he was put on house arrest for the rest of his life. He was lucky because Giorgio Bruno was burned at the stake for challenging the dominant beliefs of the church.