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The length of a triangle can't be expressed in square units and only its area is expressed in square units

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Q: What expression describe the length of the rectangle the length of the rectangle is 84.5 square centimeter?
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What is the perimeter of a rectangle with the length of 45 centimeters and width of 30 centimeter?


What is the expression of a perimeter of a rectangle if a rectangle has a width of n and a length of 2n?

The perimeter of any rectangle is twice the sum of the length and the width of the rectangle; in the present instance, 2(n + 2n) = 6n.

What is the expression to find the area of rectangle?

Area=Length X Width

Which unit would you use to measure the length of a rectangle?

We can use either meter or centimeter to measure a rectangle. For a large area of rectangle we can also use "feet" or " yards". Using "meter" is a convenient form to measure the length of the rectangle.

A golden rectangle has a length of 5 cm. Find the area of the rectangle to the nearest square centimeter?

15 (it is actually really close to 15 and a half)

What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 25 centimeter and whose width is 13 centimeter?

The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to twice the length plus twice the width, so P = 2l + 2w P = (2x25) + (2x13) P = 50 + 26 P = 76 centimeters

What is the area of a rectangle if the perimeter is 60 cm and the length is 12 cm longer than it is wide?

Perimeter of a rectangle is 2(l+b).Area of rectangle is 216 centimeter square.

How do you find the diagonal of a rectangle that is 6 centimeter in length and 3 centimeter in width?

Use Pythagoras' theorem: 62+32 = 45 and the square root of 45 is about 6.708203932 cm

If the width is 38 centimeter what is the length of the rectangle?

I suspect the area or the perimeter is missing from this question. There is an infinity of rectangles with a width of 38cm.

How do you find the area of a rectangle given the length and an angle from a smaller joined rectangle?

Doesn't describe the problem well enough.

What is an expression for the perimeter of a rectangle with a length for l centimeters and a width of 18 centimeters?

Perimeter of rectangle = 2 x (Length + Width) = 2 x (L + 18) or = (2L + 36) centimetres.

Can you find the area of a rectangle only knowing the perimeter?

To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width (one side by a different side) Or you could count how many centimeter squares make up the rectangle