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4x - 3 - 4 is one possible answer.

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Q: What expression has three terms and simplifies to 4x -7?
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What it is 4x 5y-13?

It's an algebraic expression containing three terms.

What does 2-4x equal?

They are two terms of an algebraic expression

What is the answer to 6x plus 5y plus 5z-4x plus 4z-6y?

The above expression simplifies to 2x-y+9z

What is 7x - 4x plus x - 15?

To do this equation, you collect like terms. 7x-4x+x-15 is your original equation, you have 3 terms with "'x'" in them, and they are 7x, -4x, and x. 7x + (-4x) +x simplifies to 4x, because 7-4 = 3 + 1 = 4 (the x is really 1x....). After this, you get 4x-15, which is as simplified as this equation can be.

What are like terms in a expression?

example : 4x + 5b - x + 10c -4c the x's are like terms the c's are like terms

What does collect like terms mean?

In algebra collect like terms means combining the like terms together. It can be done with the help of variables, powers and the terms which have like properties. When collecting like terms the corresponding sign of a particular number will carry with the term.For Example:Combine the like terms and simplify the expression 2x + 8y +2 + 4x + y + 1SOLUTION:The given expression is 2x + 8y +2 + 4x + y + 1The terms in the given expression is 2x, 8y, 2 , 4x, y, 1.Now combine the like terms with the help of variables.Collect 2x and 4x together, 8y and y together and the constants 2 and 1 together.The simplified answer for the given expression is= 2x + 8y +2 + 4x + y + 1= 2x+4x +8y +y + 2+1= 6x + 9y +3

2x plus 4x?

It simplifies to: 6x

What is the answer to -3x plus 4 -x plus 2?

-3x+4-x+2 simplifies to -4x+6. Since there are no more like terms, this cannot be simplified further. Also, since this is an expression, not an equation (no equals sign) you cannot solve for anything.

How do you count terms in polynomials?

Terms in polynomials are simply separated by a plus or minus sign. For example, if you had: x+12x, that would be a binomial (two terms). A trinomial is when the expression has three or more terms, 7x+12x-6x.

2xy plus 4x plus 8y plus 16?

They are four terms of an algebraic expression that can't be simplified

What does 3x-(2x 4x-6) equal?

If you mean: 3x-(2x+4x-6) then 3x-2x-4x+6 simplifies to 6-3x