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Polygons have multiple sides and angles.

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Q: What figure that has three or more sides?
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What figure is formed by 3 or more sides?

A polygon is formed by three or more sides. there is no specific figure.

What do you call a figure with three or more sides?

A polygon.

What a figure is not a polygon?

A sphere as a polygon is a shape with three or more sides and a sphere has no sides

What is a closed figure with three or more sides and three or more angles?

a triangle no its actually a polygon yea it says three OR MORE

Characteristics of polygons?

To be a polygon there has to be three or more sides. None of the sides can be curved or intersecting and the figure has to be closed.

What is a simple closed figure formed by three or more segments called?

A simple closed figure formed by three or more segments is called a polygon. Regardless of how many sides a polygon has, all polygons will have as many vertices as it has sides.

A is a closed plane figure formed by three or more segments called sides?


A figure with three sides?


Is a colsed figure with three or more sides which never curves?

If "colsed" is meant to be "closed", and if the figure is planar (flat), and if the sides of the figure do not cross, then it is a polygon. But answer to the question could include shapes such as stars (pentagrams) which are not polygons..

A closed figure with three sides?


Is a trapezium a type of polygon?

a trapezium is a quadrilateral with no parallel sides. it is a polygon because a plygon is any closed figure (three or more sides)

Is a polygon always with three sides?

no, a polygon is a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides. so, it can have more than three example would be a rectangle, square, pentagon....