A sphere as a polygon is a shape with three or more sides and a sphere has no sides
An octogon would fit that description.
How about a nonagon which is a 9 sided polygon.
To show polygonal data with a series of points in Google Earth you need to convert the series of points for each Polygon into a Polygon geometry in a KML file.Here's a simple polygon defined as a series of longitude-latitude pairs:-122.431939,37.801984-122.431564,37.802033-122.431499,37.801715-122.431872,37.801663-122.431939,37.801984See related link below for more details.
The black figure technique
The human figure and motion.
what is the equation to figure the angles of a polygon?
Yes. A simple closed figure is counted as a polygon for a polygon is closed.
Yes; a 8 sided figure is a polygon.
A polygon is a Two dimensional figure that is closed.
Yes. A polygon is a closed figure.
A circle is one example of a plane figure that is not a polygon. A V is also not a polygon.
It is because a polygon is 2D figure while a cube is a 3D figure.
a closed, flat figure is a polygon. But it is only a polygon when it is not round.
A polygon!a polygon
A polygon is a 2-dimensional figure, a solid is 3-dimensional.
A polygon is a closed plane figure consisting of straight lines. So a square is a polygon, a pentagon is a polygon. Just draw any closed figure with straight lines and you have a polygon.
Do you mean a polygon? A polygon is a two-dimensional figure.