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2+2+2+4+4 = 14

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Q: What five even numbers that when added up will sum up to 14?
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What is it called when two numbers are added?

When adding numbers, the total is the sum. The sum of two odd numbers is even.

What 2 even numbers added together to make the sum be odd?

The sum of two even number is always even. So there are no such numbers.

Is sum of odd numbers always even?

The sum of two odd numbers is always even; the sum of three odd numbers is always odd; the sum of four odd numbers is always even; the sum of five odd numbers is always odd; etc

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The sum of the first 500 even numbers, excluding zero, is 250,500.

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No two prime numbers added together have a sum of 97. All primes except the number 2 are odd numbers, and two odd numbers added together always produce an even sum.

Find five consecutive even numbers sum of with sum of 320?

60, 62, 64, 66, 68

How do you find the sum of five numbers if the average of the five numbers is 790.6?

The average of a group of numbers is equal to the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers. If you want to find the sum of the five numbers, just multiply 790.6 by 5 to get the sum, which is 3953

What five odd numbers add up to 100?

No 5 odd numbers add up to 100. The sum of any two odd numbers is even. The sum of any two even numbers is even. So the sum of any 4 odd numbers must be even. Take that and add an odd number and the sum must be odd. Therefore, the sum of any 5 odd numbers must be odd. 100 is even. In conclusion: The sum of any odd number of odd numbers is odd.

Can 6 prime numbers be added and get a composite number?

Yes.The sum of any six prime numbers, excluding 2, will be even. So the sum will be composite.

Who discovered when any even number added with a prime number makes a whole number?

It doesn't have to be a prime number and an even number. The sum of any two whole numbers is a whole number. Also, the sum of two even numbers is an even number, the sum of two odd numbers is an even number, and the sum of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.

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Can the sum of 2 odd prime numbers ever be prime?

No. The sum of two odd numbers is always even, and no prime is even (apart from 2, but it is the lowest prime, so no primes can be added to form it).