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Q: What force enables you to walk on the ground?
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How frictional force enables us to walk?

It enables us to move because of the gravity :) <3

What force enables a man to walk on the ground?

Gravity,contact force, friction, air resistance

What is a net or resultant force that enables an object to accelerate?

The net force that enables an object to accelerate is a force greater than zero.

Why is it difficult to walk barefoot on sand?

It is hard to walk on sand as - first we need to understand how we walk. every action has an equal opposite reaction (i.e. when we walk on earth we put a certain amount of force on the ground that reverts that force back on us) but when we walk on sand it is not hard and soft we fall into it and it doesn't give us and EQUAL opposite reaction.

What forceenables you to walk on the ground?

Friction, as we push ground the tangential component of the normal force that is friction (is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other) pushes us forward (newtons third law) helps us to move forward and walk.

What enables us to walk on earth?

gravity and friction...

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enables lobsters to walk you nub

What is the force that enables planes to stay in the air?


How is newtons third law of motion at work when you walk?

the concept's application here is very simple. As we walk we exert a certain amount of force on the Earth and governed by the 3rd law the Earth exerts the equal amount of force back on our foot (opposite direction) but as the Earth is very massive to observe the push that we exert only the force the it exerts it felt this added to friction provides the stability of the feet while in movement

What force enables the stem to absorb water?

Adhesion and Cohesion or cohesive attraction or cohesive force

What is the duration of Ground Force?

The duration of Ground Force is 1800.0 seconds.

What force allows you to walk?

The motion force