when you jump...
you leave the ground...
when you walk....
you dont....
unless your klumsy....
or if youre jump walking....
Bias is systematic error. Random error is not.
A random process is a sequence of random variables defined over a period of time.
"randomn" is not a real word.
Systemic or precisely Systematic Error in a reading taken by an instrument occurs due to the parts installed in it. Random error occurs when we get a number of repetitive readings during the same experiment because of human error. Perfect example for random is "Parallax Method".
The main difference is that the way of selecting a sample Random sample purely on randomly selected sample,in random sample every objective has a an equal chance to get into sample but it may follow heterogeneous,to over come this problem we can use stratified Random Sample Here the difference is that random sample may follow heterogeneity and Stratified follows homogeneity
Bias is systematic error. Random error is not.
A random process is a sequence of random variables defined over a period of time.
Random variables is a function that can produce outcomes with different probability and random variates is the particular outcome of a random variable.
"randomn" is not a real word.
jumping jacks
Systemic or precisely Systematic Error in a reading taken by an instrument occurs due to the parts installed in it. Random error occurs when we get a number of repetitive readings during the same experiment because of human error. Perfect example for random is "Parallax Method".
yow mam is spontaneous and yow dad is random
Biased- (Not random) Unbiased-(Random) Example: (ubbiased) Woman takes random people to take a survey.
random sample is a big sample and convenience sample is small sample