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hydrogen bonds

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Q: What forces and bonds maintain the three dimensional folded shape of a protein molecule?
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what is a biomolecular structure?

Biomolecular structure is the intricate folded, three-dimensional shape that is formed by a molecule of protein, DNA, or RNA, and that is important to its function.

What does the tertiary structure of a protein tell you about the protein?

It tells us about the three dimensional structure of the protein in its folded configuration.

What is a 2 dimensional figure that can be folded into a 3 dimensional object?

The net of a 2 dimensional shape can be folded into a 3 dimensional shape

What is the two dimensional pattern that can be folded into a three dimensional object?

A two-dimensional shape that can be folded into a three-dimensional figure is often called a net.

What molecule is a chromosome made of?

protein and DNA Each chromosome in the nucleus includes one macromolecule of DNA, folded and coiled with protein molecules to reduce its size.

How does a DNA molecule determined the structure of a protein?

The DNA sequence will determine the amino acid sequence known as the protein's primary structure. As the protein is folded into the secondary, tertiary and quatranary structures, the amino acid molecules will determine the shape

How does a DNA molecule determine structures of a specific protein?

The DNA sequence will determine the amino acid sequence known as the protein's primary structure. As the protein is folded into the secondary, tertiary and quatranary structures, the amino acid molecules will determine the shape

What is 2 dimensional shape that can be folded to create a 3 dimensional figure?

world war 2

What are folding structures of protein?

When proteins are manufactured in a cell, they are always made in the form of a linear molecule, that is just one long sequence that goes in a straight line. That is because it is easier for cells to do it that way. Linear sections of DNA produce linear sections of RNA which then serve as the template for the synthesis of linear sections of protein. But once the protein is manufactured, it will in most cases fold up into some kind of three dimensional structure. The shape of the folded protein is essential to whatever biological function it has.

What is a 2 dimensional shape that can be folded to form a 3 dimesional shape?

Any 2-dimensional shape can be folded to form a 3-d shape. For example, any work of origami.

What is the name of a 2 dimensional pattern that you make from a 3 dimensional product when it is folded?

A projection. A net is the other way around: a 2-d pattern that can be folded into a 3-d shape.

When a polypeptide is folded it is called what?

Secondry protein