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The same as we use in decimal, except instead of powers of 10 it's powers of 2. Working from the least-significant bit (from right to left), each bit is worth:

2^0 = 1

2^1 = 2

2^2 = 4

2^3 = 8

2^4 = 16

2^5 = 32

2^6 = 64

2^7 = 128

So if the octet is 10110101, then working from right to left we get:

1*1 = 1

0*2 = 0

1*4 = 4

0*8 = 0

1*16 = 16

1*32 = 32

0*64 = 0

1*128 = 128

If we add these values up we get 181. Thus 10110101 is the binary equivalent of 181 decimal.

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Examples of class A IP address?

An example is An IP address consists of four numbers, separated by dots (so there are three dots in total). Since each of the number represents a byte (or "octet"), each of these numbers is in the range from 0 to 255. Any IP address in which the first of these four numbers is in the range from 0 to 127 is considered to be a "Class A" address. (In the binary representation, that means that the first bit is equal to zero.)

What electric charge is the characteristic for an ion of 0?

O that is oxygen is a non metal and a non metal has a characteristic of gaining electrons so when they gain electrons the also gain a net charge in negative as no. of protons become less than the no. of electrons. now oxygen has atomic no. 8 and valency of 2 so it requires 2 electrons to complete an octet i.e. 8 electrons in the outermost shell and to get a negative charge. since it will gain 2 electrons so it will have a net charge -2. The oxidation number of oxygen is -2, except in a few cases, including superoxides (-1/2), peroxides (-1), and oxygen fluorides (+1, +2).

How many words are there in a 64 bit variable if a word is defined as 2 bytes?

Assuming a byte is 8 bits, then a 2 byte word is 16 bits. Therefore there are maximum of four 2 byte words in a 64-bit variable. Note that a byte is defined as being the smallest unit of addressable storage. As such there is no official standard that dictates its length; it is entirely hardware dependent. Some systems can address at the bit level, thus a byte would literally be just 1 bit in length. Although most systems today use an 8-bit byte, this is not always the case thus the term octet was defined to specifically mean an 8-bit byte.

How many different combinations are available with an 8 bit system?

One bit is either a zero - 0, or a one - 1. Eight bits equal one byte. And one character is exactly one BYTE. So the letter A must be converted to a specific, universally recognized number (called ASCII) and then translated to binary code - 0s and 1s. So one 8-bit code equals one character.

Why can silcon be used in computer circuits?

Atomic number of silicon is 14. So the electronic configuration is 2,8,4. So there are 4 electrons in outermost orbit. So to complete the octet, it has to get 4 electrons causing much electro negativity or to give 4 electrons causing much electro positivity. So it is reluctant to give electrons unless larger force is applied. So for the same reason carbon and germanium having 4 electrons in outer orbit are semiconductors of electricity. So when we add trivalent impurity (like aluminium ) to silicon it promote electrical conductivity and if we add pentavalent impurity ( like phosphorus) we get flow of electricity from trivalent plus silicon to pentavalent plus silicon. This is the basic principle used in electronics.

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How does an elements position on the periodic table determine the type of reaction it will be involved in?

Octet means that there are 8 electrons and its neutral. Electrons will bond to get a full octet.

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Yes, it does.

What is the term for each grouping of 8 bits in an IP address?

Octet A grouping of 8 bits, often used to identify the four 8-bit decimal numbers that compose an IP address (as in "first octet," "second octet," and so forth)

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The normal format is dotted decimal, where each octet is converted from binary to decimal and separated by a period, thus:

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its called an octet

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No it is not fully obeying the octet rule. Boron has only 6 electrons (3 own + 3 from each F atom), lacking two for the octet. Fluorine is 3x satisfied, each with 8 electrons (each has 7 own plus 1 from boron).

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BCl3 is the formula for Boron Chloride. As a matter of interest it does not obey the octet rule. It is also called a Lewis Acid.

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There is ClO2 and ClO2^-. For the chlorite anion (ClO2^-) the Cl will have 10 electrons and will violate the octet rule. For ClO2, all elements will have 8 electrons.

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"To use Lewis theory to determine the formula of an ionic compound, determine the number of valence electrons lost by the metal to form an octet, and the number of electrons gained by the nonmetal to form an octet." Refer the link below for further reading.

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Xenon obeys octet rule and has a stable electronic configuration. So, xenon does not form any anion.