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Zero is tricky and is best avoided. If you're stuck with it, the GCF of zero and any other number is the other number. The GCF of zero and zero is zero.

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Q: What happens to the hcf of 2 numbers when any one number is zero and both the numbers are zero?
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Can a rational number be negative in the denominator?

Yes. It can also be negative in the numerator. Both positive and negative numbers (as well as zero) can be rational numbers. Both positive and negative numbers can be irrational numbers. Both positive and negative numbers (as well as zero) can be integers.

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When a rational numbers is divided by an irrational number, the answer is irrational for every non-zero rational number.

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Zero is a rational number, and therefore is NOT an irrational number. The definition of a rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction where the numerator and demoninator are both integers, and the denominator is non-zero. Irrational numbers are all real numbers that are not rational numbers. Since zero qualifies under the definition of a rational number, (0/3, for example), it therefore cannot be an irrational number.

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If you add, subtract or multiply rational numbers, the result will be a rational number. It will also be so if you divide by a non-zero rational number. But division by zero is not defined.

Does there have to be a zero on a number line?

No, not necessarily. A number line can start and end wherever you need it. But if you are including both positive and negative numbers, then there needs to be a position for zero.

What is the product of two numbers is zero?

One or both of the numbers must be zero.

Does zero natural numbers? is not a natural number, natural numbers start at the number 1.

Numbers found to the right of zero on a number line?

Numbers to the right of zero on a number line are positive numbers; to the left are the negative numbers.

Is 0 a decimal number?

Most numbers are a decimal number, with zero sometimes being considered and exception. Since any number can have decimals after it (if it happens to be rounded) perhaps it is. The exact number zero, however, is not. Zero denotates a lack of value as opposed to a value - such as .01.