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One or both of the numbers must be zero.

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Q: What is the product of two numbers is zero?
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Sum of two numbers is 5 and their difference is also 5what is the product of two numbers?

The numbers are zero and 5. Their product is zero.

The product of two numbers that are less than zero is also less than zero.?

No. The product of two negative numbers is positive.

How can you find the product of two numbers when one is zero?

Anything times zero is zero.

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What is the product of the first three whole numbers?

If zero is counted as a whole number, then the first three whole numbers are zero, one and two and the product of ANY series containing zero is ZERO. If, on the other hand, only non-zero numbers are considered, then the series is one, two and three and the product is six.

How do you find the product of two numbers when one is 0?

If one is zero, then the product is always zero.(Think about it ... you take 279 zero times. How much do you have ?)

Is the product of two numbers that are less than zero also less than zero?

No. Their product is always greater than 0.

What two numbers whose sum is 15 and the product is 0?

Zero and 15.

What is the product of two or more nonzerowhole numbers?

A non-zero whole number.

How do you determine when the product or quotient of 2 rational numbers is positive negative or zero?

If one or both numbers are zero, then the answer is zero;if the two numbers have the same sign, then the answer is positive;if the two numbers have different signs, then the answer is negative.Incidentally, this is true of all real numbers, not just rationals.

When is the product of two negative real numbers always greater than zero?

Whenever you multiply two negative real numbers.

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8 and 125