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parallelogram. also squares. which are parallelograms

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Q: What has 4 congruent sides and its opposite sides are parellel?
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What shape has 4 sides Opposite sides are congruent Opposite sides are parallel Opposite angles are congruent?


What shape has 4 sides. all sides are congurent. opposite sides are parallel. opposite sides are congruent. no angles are right sides.?

A rhombus (4 congruent sides, diagonals perpendicular)that is not also a square (no right angles), andis also a parallelogram (opposite sides parallel and congruent, opposite angles congruent). It is also a quadrilateral, which has 4 sides.

What has 4 sides all sides are congruent opposite sides are parallel opposite sides are congruent no angles are right angles?

A rhombus.

A shape with 4 equal-length sides opposite sides parellel but no right angles?

A Rhombus

Which quadrilater has opposite sides congruent and 4 right angles but not all sides congruent?


Are the sides of a rhombus congruent and parallel?

All 4 sides are congruent and opposite sides are parallel to each other.

How many sides are there in parallelogram?

Parallelograms have 4 sides, it is a quadrilateral with the opposite sides parallel, and the opposite angles are congruent.4

What is this shape opposite sides parellel and same length 4 right angels?


Are the opposite angles of a trapezoid congruent?

No. A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel. The opposite angles not congruent.

How can i prove that a parallelogram is a parallelogram when you are given opposite sides are congruent?

If two opposite sides are congruent in length and direction then they are parallel sides. THat would mean the other two sides are congruent making 4 parallel sides or a parallelogram

What quadrilateral always has 4 congruent angles and opposite sides that are congruent are paralle?

It is a rectangle.

What has 4 congruent sides its opposite sides are parallel an right angles?

A square !