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If two opposite sides are congruent in length and direction then they are parallel sides. THat would mean the other two sides are congruent making 4 parallel sides or a parallelogram

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Q: How can i prove that a parallelogram is a parallelogram when you are given opposite sides are congruent?
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What is the ways to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram?

If it is a parallelogram, then it has two sets of parallelogram sides. Parallelograms' opposite angles are congruent A parallelogram's bisectors are congruent. * * * * * A parallelogram's bisectors are NOT congruent.

What are the proofs that a quadrilateral ia s parallelogram?

There are 5 ways to prove a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram. -Prove both pairs of opposite sides congruent -Prove both pairs of opposite sides parallel -Prove one pair of opposite sides both congruent and parallel -Prove both pairs of opposite angles are congruent -Prove that the diagonals bisect each other

What are the characteristics of a parallelogram?

Parallelograms: 1.)opposite side of a parallelogram are parallel and you can prove that by finding the slope for both lines. 2.) opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent 3.) diagonals bisect each other 4.)opposite angles are congruent 5.) consecutive angles are supp. *Remember that alternate interior angles are congruent.

What are three attributes of a parallelogram?

Parallelograms: 1.)opposite side of a parallelogram are parallel and you can prove that by finding the slope for both lines. 2.) opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent 3.) diagonals bisect each other 4.)opposite angles are congruent 5.) consecutive angles are supp.

How do you prove opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent?

Simply with a protractor and the 4 interior angles must add up to 360 degrees

If one pair of opposite angles and one pair of opposite sites of a quadrilateral is congruent then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. How can it be proven?

draw a diagonal through opposite corners of the quadrilateral. This makes two triangles. Prove the triangles are congruent using SSA (side side angle) congruence. Then show that the other two sides of the quadrilater must be congruent to each other, so it is a parallelogram.

What are all of the characteristics of a parallelogram?

Parallelograms: 1.)opposite side of a parallelogram are parallel and you can prove that by finding the slope for both lines. 2.) opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent 3.) diagonals bisect each other 4.)opposite angles are congruent 5.) consecutive angles are supp. *Remember that alternate interior angles are congruent. To break it down in a better understanding way. 1.)opposite side of a parallelogram are parallel and you can prove that by finding the slope for both lines. If the shape is a parallelogram then you can find the slope of its sides. if they are parallel to each other then it is a parallelogram. 2.) opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent top and bottom sides are congruent. right and left sides are congruent. 3.) diagonals bisect each other When you draw a straight line from the top right corner to the bottom left corner and from the top left corner to the bottom right corner, the bisect each other or in better terms, the lines cut each other equaly in half. 4.)opposite angles are congruent just as the sides. 5.) consecutive angles are supp. These angels produce a line. this line like all lines will add up to 180 degrees. *Remember that alternate interior angles are congruent.

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How do you prove that diagonal of a parallelogram divide it into two congruent triangles?

maths mental abuse to human s

A diagonal separates the parallelogram into?

Two congruent triangles.. To prove it, use the SSS Postulate.

How do you prove that a parallelogram is a rectangle?

a rectangle has four right angles and opposite sides are all the same length This means that a parallelogram is not always a rectangle, but a rectangle is always a parallelogram, by definition.

What does a rhombus have to have to prove that it is a rhombus?

a parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal obtuse angles, and four equal sides.