A polyhedron with 13 or more faces.
There is no greatest. Any polygon you draw, no matter how many sides it has, I can always draw a polygon with more sides than yours has. They don't all have names, but there's no limit to the number of sides they can have.
A nonagon (9 sides) for example.
For the very simple reason that a square has more sides than a triangle.
4 faces. The number of faces on a pyramid is one more than the number of sides of the base. A triangle has 3 sides, therefore a triangular pyramid has 3 +1 = 4 faces.
anything that has more than nine sides is called the number of faces, in this case 20, with agon added to it. so a figure with twenty faces or sides is called a twentyagon.
Oh, dude, it's like this - the number of faces on a prism is always two more than the number of sides on its base. So, if you've got a prism with a pentagonal base, you can expect it to have 7 faces. It's just one of those math things that's like, "Hey, I'm here to mess with your head a little."
It has 3 more triangular faces than square faces
triangular pyramid-4 equal faces