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A pentagon which has 5 sides.

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Q: What has more sides then a square and less then a hexagon?
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Shape that has more sides than a square but less than a hexagon and a polygon?


Which shape has more sides than the square but less sides that the hexagon?

The pentagon satisfies those criteria precisely.

How many more sides than a square does a hexagon have?

2 because an hexagon has 6 sides whereas a square has 4 sides

Can a hexagon have more than 8 sides?

No. A hexagon can only have six sides. No more, no less.

Is a hexagon bigger than a square?

That will depend on its dimensions but it has more sides than a square because it has 6 sides whereas a square has 4 sides

Which shape is not like the others triangle sqarre hexagon and a polygon?

A triangle has 3 sides, a square has 4 sides, an hexagon has 6 sides and a polygon has 3 or more sides.

What polygon has more sides then a quadrilateral but less sides than a hexagon?

A quadrilateral has 4 sides anda hexagon has 6 sides. So the polygon between them is the one that has 5 sides. That is the pentagon.

Which have more sides hexagon or pentagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides and a pentagon has 5 sides

Which polygon has more than 3 sides and less than 7 sides?

A quadrilateral, pentagon or hexagon.

How many more sides does octagon have then a hexagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides. An octagon has 8 sides. Therefore an octagon has two sides more than a hexagon.

How many more sides does an octagon have than an hexagon?

an octagon has 8 sides and a hexagon has 6 sides so a octagon has 2 more sides then a hexagon hope this helped you

Which has more side hexagon or a pentagon?

The hexagon has more sides than a pentagon because the hexagon has sides while the pentagon has 5 sides. Hope that helped everyone stay safe bye!