To the nearest hundred is rounding to the third digit before the decimal point. The digit to its right is used to decide whether to round up or down: if it is 0-4 it rounds down, otherwise it is 5-9 and rounds up:
With 3257.1 the digit to the right of the hundreds digit is 5, so it rounds up: 3257.1 → 3300
It is 300 when rounded to the nearest hundred
916 rounded to the nearest hundred is 900
657 rounded to the nearest ten is 660. 657 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.
It is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousandths. Rounded to the nearest thousands would be 87.381.
Rounding 670 to the nearest ten means determining which multiple of ten is closest to 670. In this case, 670 is closer to 670 than to 680, so it rounds down to 670. Rounding to the nearest hundred would result in 700, as 670 is closer to 700 than to 600.
Rounded to the nearest hundred is 900. Rounded to the nearest ten is 910.
678 is rounded nearest hundred is 700