

What is 3 less than a number s?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is 3 less than a number s?
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In single die, S = {1,2,3,4,5,6} So n(S) = 6 The event A is defined as getting a number less than 3. A = {1,2} So n(A)=2 Hence P(A) = n(A)/n(S) = 2/6 =1/3

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Can you describe a number by both the number of its factors and the kinds of its factors?

There are more than just prime and composite, there are 3 other types which you can describe a number by the kind of factors. They are abundant number, deficient number, and perfect number. An abundant number is a number which if its factors were all added up , the sum would be greater than the number itself. A deficient number is a number in which if all its factors were added up the sum would be less than the number itself. A perfect number is in which a numbers factors are added up and the sum will be the same number as the number itself. Example of abundant number: 12 because these are its factors, 1+2+3+4+6 which equals 16 and 16 is greater than 12. Example of a deficient number: 15 because 15's factors are 1+3+5 which equals 9 and 9 is less than 15. Example of a perfect number: 6 because 6's factors are 1+2+3 which equals 6 and 6 is the same as 6

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