

What is 3 to the second minus negative 5?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is 3 to the second minus negative 5?
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Is 2 minus 5 negative 3?

No - 2 minus 5 is 3. Not negative 3. Be careful when adding!

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(-5)-(-3)-(-1)-1-3-5 (-2)-(-1)-1-3-5(-1)-1-3-5 (-2)-3-5 (-5)-5 (-10)

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No. 3 - -2 = 5 -2 - 3 = -5

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Positive 3 plus negative 5 minus negative 2 minus positive 4 is equal to -4.

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2 - (-3) = 5 (The minus a negative becomes a positive, thus 2 + 3 = 5).

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negative 5

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-3 minus -2 is -1.

5 minus negative 3 equals what?

5 - (-3) = -8

What is 5 minus negative three?

it will be 5-(-3)=5+3=8.

What is negative three minus negative eight?

It is: -3--8 = 5

Is a negative number minus a negative number a positive or negative answer?

It can have any sign. For example, -3 - (-1) = -3 + 1 = -2 the answer is negative. -3 - (-3) = -3 + 3 = 0 the answer is zero. -3 - (-5) = -3 + 5 = 2 the answer is positive. If the magnitude of the second negative [1] is smaller than the magnitude of the first [3], the answer is negative. If the magnitudes are equal, the answer is zero If the magnitude of the second number [5] is bigger than the magnitude of the first [3], the answer is positive.

Why do you use subtraction when you add a positive integer and a negative integer?

Because adding a negative is the same as subtracting a positive. In other words, minus a plus is he same as plus a minus. For example 5+ (-3) = 5-3 = +2 5 -(+3) = 5-3 = +2 Remember minus a plus = = minus plus a minus = minus plus a plus = plus minus a minus = plus