The way that you have it written, it would be 438316401600. I suspect that you meant to put a decimal point somewhere in 000231, but it isn't there; so I didn't try to guess where you wanted it to be. If you wanted it after the first 0, then move the decimal point in the answer to the left 5 places. If you wanted it before the first 0, then move the decimal point to the left 6 places.
1 acre=43560 sq. ft. 43560 X 42= 1,829,520 sq. ft. 43560 squared=208.710 ' In other words if an area is in fact a square acre all 4 sides would be 208.710' long.
43560 X 0.2 = 8712
1 acre = 43,560 sq feet
43560/31673 x 100% = 137.5%
43560 sq feet = 43560 x 0.3048 x 0.3048 sq meters = 4046.8564 sq meters
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 43560 feet is equal to 43560 x 12 = 522720 inches.
96,000 x 43,560 = 4,181,760,000
No. Cos squared x is not the same as cos x squared. Cos squared x means cos (x) times cos (x) Cos x squared means cos (x squared)
1 acre is 43560. So 43560 x 0.48 = 20908.80. Answer = 20908.80.
(X2) (X2) = X4 x squared multiplied by x squared is x raised to the 4th power.