48 percent as a fraction = Twelve twenty-fifths or 12/2548% = 48/100 or 12/25 in fraction
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 48 percent is equal to 12/25 or twelve twenty-fifths.
it is 48 out of 100
48 percent as a fraction is 12/25
As a decimal: 0.48. As a fraction: 48/100.
48% as a fraction in its simplest form is 12/25
48%:= 0.48 in decimal= 48/100 or 12/25 in fraction
48% as a fraction = 48/100 or 12/25 48% = 48%/100% = 48/100 or 12/25 in fraction
48% = 12/25
48/100 or 12/25