By root, I think you mean square root. The square root of 2 is approx. 1.414. The square root of 9 = 3, so this goes exactly at 3 on the number line. Square root 2 will be less than 1/2 way between 1 and 2 on the number line.
It'll be between 1 and 2
about 1/3 of the distance from 1 to 2
Yes, the square root of 2 is an irrational number.
The square root of 2 is 1.141..... is an irrational number
Sometimes the square root of a positive number can be irrational, as in the square root of 2 (which is a non-perfect square number), but sometimes it is a rational number, as in the square root of 25 (which is a perfect square number).
The opposite of a square root is the square of a number. In mathematical terms, if the square root of a number x is denoted as √x, then the opposite of the square root (√x) is x itself. This is because squaring a number undoes taking the square root of that number.
Square root of 2= 1 You should know this idiots!
The square root of 2 is an irrational number
Between 2 and 3.
The square root of 2 squared is 2. sqrt(22)=2 The square root function and the exponent 2 and opposite function and cancel each other out. 22=4 sqrt(4)=2 =>sqrt(22)=2 What is the (square root of 2) squared - If you take the square root of a number then square it the answer is the number itself, so the answer is 2! What is the square root of (2 squared) - Looking at the question another way, if you take a number and square it, the square root of the resulting answer is the number itself, so the answer is 2! Unless, of course, this is a trick question . . . ivj