

What is 97 X 10?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Hint: to multiply by 10, just add a zero...

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Q: What is 97 X 10?
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97 x 10 = 970

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Take logs of both sides - you can use any base, to give the answer: 10^x = 97 → log(10^x) = log(97) → x log(10) = log(97) → x = log(97) ÷ log(10) If you use common logs (logs to base 10) - highly recommended in this case), then: lg(10) = 1 → x = lg(97)

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1 x 97, 97 x 1 = 97

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%*amount=answer .42* x = 97 97/.42=x x=230.952381